» AmiTCP/IP 2.1 available for FTP «


        AmiTCP/IP - TCP/IP protocol stack for Amiga


        Release 2.1


    * Inet-handler:
        - With Inet-Handler you can use AmigaDOS IO to access TCP protocol
    * finger:
        - New application, prints information about local and remote users
    * fingerd:
        - Calls now finger when asked for local users. (This feature requires
          Apipe-handler by Per Bojsen, Apipe-handler can be found e.g. on Fish
          disk 783)
    * ls:
        - New application, an imitation of Unix directory lister.  Supports
          multiuser filesystems. Included as an example of user and group
          database usage
    * Napsaterm:
        - Default window title is now the name of the remote host
        - A public screen can be used with -S switch (thanks trossi!)
    * SynClock:
        - A simple script which synchronize clock in Amiga with
          specified host in network
    * AmiTCP:
        - A timestamp is added to the log messages
        - Faster checksum calculation implemented in assembler
    * netlib:
        - User and group database handling routines are added to the
          net.lib. Release includes example databases for `ls' and `finger'
          utilities, which use these databases
        - A real gettimeofday() using locale is also added


        The AmiTCP/IP Programming Project Group in Helsinki University of
        Technology, referred further on as AmiTCP/IP Group:

        Tomi Ollila     <Tomi.Ollila@cs.hut.fi>
        Pekka Pessi     <Pekka.Pessi@hut.fi>
        Markus Peuhkuri <Markus.Peuhkuri@hut.fi>
        Jarno Rajahalme <Jarno.Rajahalme@hut.fi>

        E-mail address for the group is <amitcp-group@hut.fi>.


        AmiTCP/IP is the first publicly available TCP/IP protocol stack for
        the SANA-II interface. AmiTCP/IP provides an application level socket
        interface to the Internet protocols as an Amiga shared library.

        The Internet protocol suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, consists of
        user level protocols TCP and UDP which use IP as the network level
        protocol.  There is a wide variety of different network applications
        and services using TCP/IP protocols. The BSD compatible socket
        interface to Internet protocols makes it possible to port existing
        applications with minor modifications.

        AmiTCP/IP connects to the network via SANA-II compatible device
        drivers. SANA-II is a hardware and protocol independent network
        adapter interface specification published by Commodore. Several
        network adapter manufactures have made available SANA-II device
        drivers for their hardware. Currently there are SANA-II drivers
        available at least for Ethernet, Arcnet and serial line interfaces.
        So you can connect to Internet with Ethernet LAN, or via modem line
        with Serial line IP (SLIP) optionally with compressed headers (CSLIP).

        A typical application is to use (C)SLIP to connect to the Internet and
        have multiple connections simultaneously. You can read your e-mail and
        news, transfer files and have multiple terminal sessions at the same
        time over one modem line.


        1. Standard SANA-II network device driver interface.
        2. BSD-compatible socket interface as a Amiga shared library.
        3. ARexx port for configuration and statistics.
        4. Over 200 pages of documentation including:
                - Installation and configuration
                - ARexx port commands
                - Programmer's manual based on the BSD IPC manual. This
                  is a fairly complete tutorial for developing powerful
                  client/server applications
                - Internal description of the implementation
                - Utility and API function reference guide in AutoDoc form.
        5. Basic applications with source included.
        6. Based on the BSD Net/2 release.
        7. Full source code included.

        While all Internet services and applications (telnet, ftp, news,
        mail) are possible with AmiTCP/IP, many applications are still under
        development by us and others. Current release of the AmiTCP/IP
        contains following applications:

        * Telnet - standard program to log on other systems **
        * Ftp - standard program to transfer files between systems **
        * Finger - prints information about local and remote users
        * ls - Directory lister with user and group information
        * Napsaterm - a VT100 terminal emulator using remote login protocol
        * NcFTP - an alternative interface to FTP protocol %%
        * NetFS - a Amiga specific network filesystem  ##
        * TCP - networking support for GNU Emacs. With TCP you can use any
          elisp-based networking applications (Gnus, Gopher, Irchat etc.)
        * FingerD - a Finger daemon which prints user information or a banner
        * QWriter - an application to test and benchmark network

        Following network utilities are also available:

        * arp - tool to handle ARP hardware address translation tables
        * ifconfig - tool to control network interface parameters
        * inetd - Internet super server, which starts other services when
          needed and provides some simple services by itself
        * letnet - a simple filter for connecting to TCP based services.
          Suitable for scripts and testing
        * netstat - a ARexx script to get statistical information from
        * ping - utility to test network connectivity
        * route - tool to display and manipulate routing tables
        * online/offline - utilities to control SANA-II device drivers

        **) Telnet and FTP are ported by Mark Tomlinson and Goeff McCaughan
        %%) NcFTP is ported by Carsten Heyl
        ##) NetFS is authored by Timo Rossi


        AmiTCP/IP can be run from floppy and with one megabyte of memory,
        but as usual, a hard disk and more memory makes your life easier.

        Amiga OS release 2.04 or newer is required.

        SANA-II device driver is needed for your network adapter. A test
        device driver, agnet.device, is included with sources. Also the
        freely distributable Commodore A2060 (Arcnet), A2065 (Ethernet),
        SLIP and CSLIP drivers are included. The rhslip.device and
        rhcslip.device are derived from Commodore drivers but contain bug
        fixes made by Olaf Seibert.

        LHA or lx utility is required to unarchive distribution archives.

        Most of the source files has been compiled with GNU C 2.3 and SAS C
        6.3. Some utilities and libraries are compiled only with SAS C 6.3.
        However, only the executable files compiled with SAS C are tested.
        Also, the DICE C support is untested.


        AmiTCP/IP software has been uploaded to the Aminet. It should be
        shortly available at the following Aminet hosts:

        Switzerland  litamiga.epfl.ch      (
        Scandinavia  ftp.luth.se           (
        Germany      ftp.uni-kl.de         (
        Germany      ftp.uni-erlangen.de   (
        Germany      ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de   (
        Germany      ftp.th-darmstadt.de   (
        Germany      ftp.uni-paderborn.de  (
        USA          ftp.etsu.edu          (
        USA          ftp.wustl.edu         (
        Australia    splat.aarnet.edu.au   (
        UK           src.doc.ic.ac.uk      (

        For the convenience of Finnish users, AmiTCP/IP is also uploaded to
        the ftp.funet.fi.

        The latest version of AmiTCP/IP is located in kampi.hut.fi. This
        archive is not meant for massive downloading. Major new versions
        will be announced and distributed to other archives, too.


        In Aminet: pub/aminet/comm/net
        ftp.funet.fi: pub/amiga/datacomm/tcpip
        kampi.hut.fi: AmiTCP


        AmiTCP/IP revision 2.1 is distributed in following archives:
        AmiTCP-bin-21.lha       AmiTCP/IP binaries
        AmiTCP-api-21.lha       Include files and link libraries
        AmiTCP-src-21.lha       Source for AmiTCP/IP

        If you just want to use AmiTCP/IP you need only archive
        AmiTCP-bin-21.lha containing also the basic documentation.  You can
        upgrade from AmiTCP 2.0 to AmiTCP 2.1 with archive AmiTCP-bin-21.lha.
        Unarchive it to your work directory, then click Install_AmiTCP.
        Installation script copies your old configuration to use with
        AmiTCP/IP 2.1.

        The separate documentation archives are not changed from release
        2.0. The full System manual is available in text, PostScript and
        DVI formats. PostScript and DVI documents are formatted for A4 and
        "Letter" page sizes, PostScript fonts have 300 dpi resolution.
        Normally you need only one version suitable to your printer. Full
        documentation includes Programmer's Manual and Implementation

        Archive name contains the release number, for instance archive
        AmiTCP-bin-21.lha contains release 2.1.

        To develop your own applications or AmiTCP/IP you need
        AmiTCP-api-21.lha. It contains include files and link libraries. Full
        source for AmiTCP/IP and most of the applications are in the archive


        AmiTCP/IP is distributed for free under GNU General Public License
        Version 2.


        The release 2.1 of AmiTCP contains some improvements and bug fixes
        over previous releases. It is compatible with release 2 at binary
        level. It is uncompatible with first release at binary level.


        E-mail address for the group: <amitcp-group@hut.fi>

        Bug reports and fixes: <amitcp-bug@hut.fi>

        Developer and announce list <amitcp@hut.fi>
        Subscription: <amitcp-request@hut.fi>

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